Online Sources
Organizations and National Websites


WIPMM World Institute for Purchasing & Materials Management
Latvian Development Agency In order to promote foreign direct investment to Latvia and Latvia’s export, the Latvian Government established the Latvian Development Agency (LDA) in 1993. The LDA is a non-profit state joint stock company. The Council of the LDA is headed by the Minister of Economy and consists of 9 members which include the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Finance, Regional Development and Environmental Protection, as well as representatives of the private sector. The LDA represents the state in international projects related to foreign direct investment and export and has set up a one-stop-shop system which provides all the necessary information and help for all potential investors.
Lithuanian Development Agency The main objective of LDA Export Department is to promote Lithuanian made products and services trade abroad, by creating in Lithuania the export orientated legal, economic and informational environment.

The Polish Agency for Foreign Investment
The Polish Agency for Foreign Investment (PAIZ) is a professional organisation whose aim is to help foreign businesses considering investment in Poland.
We can help by:
1) providing information. advice and guidance to foreign investors and facilitating the initial stages of their investment process;
2) providing legal, technical and financial information;
3) assisting foreign investors in identifying potential business partners;
4) maintaining a link between foreign investors and the appropriate government and local authorities.
Hungarian Investment and
Trade Development Agency
ITDH is the information and consultation center for foreign investments in Hungary. Its investment consultants provide general information on the investment scene, seek partners for the different parties and participate as consultants in the legal and financial preparation of joint companies.
Slovak Investment and Trade Devekopment Agency  
Bulgarian Foreign Investment Agency  
OKNO Group Site introducing opportunitites in Eastern Europe – directory, news, links.